by Comfort Experts | Aug 15, 2019 | Care & Maintenance
The air filter to your furnace is an important part of keeping your home’s air clean. This physical medium traps dust and other particles, preventing them from being blown into your home. Regularly changing this filter will go a long way in providing a host of...
by Comfort Experts | Jul 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
Each year, people are scammed out of thousands of dollars in HVAC scams, especially in high-risk season such as the summer and winter when your HVAC needs to be running at its best. Thankfully there are ways you can recognize and avoid HVAC scams. Here are 5 of the...
by Comfort Experts | Jun 14, 2019 | Home Safety
A new child in the home is an exciting occasion but comes with its own set of challenges-especially when they get older and more curious about the world around them. While exploring is healthy and critical to the development of your child, you will need to child proof...
by Comfort Experts | May 16, 2019 | Home Improvement
Night or day, summer or winter, we spend a lot of time in our homes and many us look at and adjust our home thermostat every day to make ourselves and our home more comfortable. The right thermostat in your home is an essential part of home energy savings. Not only...
by Comfort Experts | Apr 19, 2019 | Home Health
The air in your home is not as clean as you think it is. Allergens like dust, pet hair, and cigarette smoke can irritate allergies and make your home smell unpleasant and in need of constant cleaning. To help remove these contaminates and odors from your home, you can...